Ruska podjetja "aktivno" uporabljajo kripto, Rusija za posvojitev 4 Ustrezni zakoni, Uradnik pravi

Ruski zakonodajalci nameravajo kmalu potrditi štiri zakone, namenjene urejanju različnih vidikov kriptovalut, je sporočil visoki poslanec ruskega parlamenta. medtem, Ruska podjetja že uporabljajo digitalna sredstva v čezmejnih poravnavah, je opozoril uradnik. Russian Legislature to Vote

Iran se zapre 8,000 Nezakonite farme za rudarjenje kripto v 3 leta

Oblasti v Iranu zaprle več kot 8,000 podzemnih objektov za rudarjenje kriptovalut v zadnjih treh letih, poročajo lokalni mediji. Kljub zatiranju vlade, nezakonito kripto rudarjenje še naprej predstavlja resno količino porabe energije, official figures

Policija na Kosovu je Srbom zasegla naprave za rudarjenje kripto

Kosovska policija je prebivalcem večinsko srbske regije na severu države zasegla na desetine naprav za kripto rudarjenje. Oblasti v Prištini in Beogradu so izmenjale obtožbe zaradi te poteze, which has the potential to raise tensions in the

Tax Benefits for Bitcoin Businesses in Belarus Extended Until 2025

Tax exemptions for companies and individuals legally working with cryptocurrencies in Belarus will remain in place until Jan. 1, 2025. A new presidential decree extends the tax cuts introduced in 2018 when the executive power in Minsk legalized crypto activities such

Former Cohasset High School Employee Accused of Stealing Thousands in Electricity to Mine Bitcoin in School Campus Crawlspace

A former school assistant facilities director in Cohasset, Massachusetts, has been accused of operating a cryptocurrency mining operation inside a crawlspace at Cohasset High School. The Cohasset Police Department alleges that Nadeam Nahas stole nearly $18,000 in electricity to power the

Several Crypto Exchange Websites Taken Down in Kazakhstan

Financial authorities in Kazakhstan have targeted at least five online platforms exchanging cryptocurrencies outside the law. Documents, computer equipment, and cryptocurrency wallets have been seized during searches in the northern part of the country. Kazakhstan’s Financial Watchdog Goes After Unlicensed Crypto

Iran rudarjem vrača zaseženo opremo za kripto rudarjenje

A government body responsible for state property in Iran has released some of the hardware seized from illegal crypto mining farms. Its top executive explained the agency was obliged to do that by courts in the Islamic Republic, where unlicensed miners

9,404 Naprave za kripto rudarjenje, ki so jih iranske oblasti zasegle od marca

Iranian authorities have seized nearly 10,000 illegal cryptocurrency mining devices since March. Po poročilih, many of the seized crypto mining rigs were operating in public locations that receive free or heavily-subsidized electricity, such as schools and mosques. Iran Confiscates Nearly

Soglasje Ethereum Pivot to Proof-of-Stake uporabnike skrbi glede možnosti cenzure na ravni protokola

The upcoming consensus change that Ethereum, the second largest cryptocurrency by market cap, is planning to execute in September has worried many users about the possibility of censorship happening at a protocol level. This means that, even by interacting directly with

Kazahstan preiskuje Crypto Mining Hotel, ki domnevno deluje kot Ponzijeva shema

Authorities in Kazakhstan have launched an investigation into a mining hotel business suspected of being a crypto pyramid as part of an ongoing crackdown on illegal activities linked to cryptocurrencies. Platforma, called Bincloud, lured investors through popular messaging apps. Bincloud